Ludovica Martino was a little girl when she made her “entrance” into the “Narnia” closet, discovering a huge passion: the passion for cinema. Since then, she’s come a long way as an actress, portraying characters with whom she’s grown up and changed: from “Skam Italia”’s Eva, to her latest projects, the movie “Lovely Boy” and the Netflix TV series “Luna Park.”
Between the desire to “disappear” forever into her characters and the challenge of telling a past time through period movies and series, she told us about “what” makes her say yes to a project, her beauty must-haves (spoiler alert: sometimes, a purple eyeshadow comes up for a specific reason…) and her recent discovery of the secret to being successful.
Is there any trace of anxiety in all these projects? Absolutely not! Ludovica can’t really stay away from the set!

What’s your first cinema memory?
My first cinema memory is the movie “The Chronicles of Narnia.” I went with my family to the movies. I had gone only a few times before and it all seemed so gigantic and high-volume to me that I felt like I was part of that magic and enchanting reality.
For days I thought I had entered that closet [laughs].

What’s that thing that makes you say “yes” to a project, when you read the script?
If it moves me, I say yes. I don’t think about it twice. I feel an overwhelming desire to tell that precise story and start filming as soon as possible with the utmost commitment. When I feel that this falling-in-love process is happening, I throw myself right into it. However, I would always only make movies that I would watch as an audience member.

“However, I would always only make movies that I would watch as an audience member.”

“Skam Italia” opened the doors to a new generation of actors, becoming a phenomenon able to tackle and talk about current issues, an aspect that was missing from the Italian TV series scene. How has playing Eva changed you over the seasons? And how would you describe the way Eva has changed as a character?
Eva is a character that I have accompanied from her embryonic phase up to today. And she did the same with me. We’ve changed and grown up together. We’ve started together. Eva, as a character, becomes, in my opinion, increasingly empathetic from season to season.
Season 5 has recently been announced! Is there something you can reveal to us in advance? Or something you hope to see?
It’s funny how everyone asks me this, but I still haven’t got the scripts! I’ve signed on spec this time!

“Lovely Boy” tells a story of perdition, of how to find yourself again, and loneliness. How did you prepare to play your character?
I observed some realities that were close to me and akin to the time of life my character was living in the film, but I wanted to let Francesco Lettieri (the director) completely guide me because I had so much appreciated the talent of the actors in his debut film (“Ultras”) and I hoped he would have directed me like that as well.
What’s the first question you asked the director?
It was: “Do you really want to dye my hair black and put a fringe on me?” [Laughs] I was so happy to change my look.

The Netflix series “Luna Park” is about to air: what was your experience on set like? What’s the aspect of the series you can’t wait for the audience to see?
I love filming period movies so much. I love the costumes and the period settings, even though it’s very hard to reproduce the lifestyle of a past time, but I’m deeply attracted by their storytelling and that’s why I love to try my hand at them. In this case, we’ve told the story of a very poor family in the 1940s and a love hindered by the war. I hope the audience gets moved by this show, the story of my character is extremely sweet and touching.
How much of you is there in your characters? Do you tend to “detach” from yourself in order to completely immerse in a role, or do you let your personal experiences inspire you as much as possible?
Actually, I always hope to disappear into my characters. I like to hide Ludovica as much as possible.

“I love the costumes and the period settings, even though it’s very hard to reproduce the lifestyle of a past time, but I’m deeply attracted by their storytelling…”

We’ve just mentioned so many new projects. How are you living this moment of your life? I guess it might also be a time full of anxiety or fears. How do you face them?
Luckily, I don’t feel anxious or scared, it’s a very nice moment and I’m living it while doing my dream job. I can’t stay away from the set too much, acting makes me feel really good. It makes me end my days with a smile on my face and with that kind of positive, adrenaline-filled tiredness.
What does it mean to you to feel comfortable in your own skin?
I think that our skin is what has been given to us and we should take care of it. With all its “flaws,” but it represents our beauty.
To me, beauty means personal identity.

“It makes me end my days with a smile on my face and with that kind of positive, adrenaline-filled tiredness.”

Makeup and costumes play a fundamental part in the performance of a role. What’s your relationship with makeup in your everyday life?
I love doing my makeup and putting makeup on others, too. I have to say I’m also quite good at it (according to my friends). When we were 16, before going to parties, everyone used to come to my place and let me do their makeup, one at a time. It looked like there was a procession of the saint in my house. Now, even though on the sets they put makeup on me almost every day, I don’t reject makeup at all, on the contrary, I’ve become even more curious and I try to learn all the secrets from the makeup artists to then reproduce them in private.
With Armani, you lived a magical experience in Venice. What are your must-have makeup products?
Absolutely never without an eyebrow pencil, lipstick, and concealer!

And what’s your must-have on set, instead?
It depends on the character. Sometimes, the concealer gets substituted by a purple eyeshadow to emphasize dark circles, if the character requires it.
Have you ever had an epic fail on set?
Nothing so memorable, luckily!

They say that actresses/actors, while playing new characters, always get to discover new things about themselves. What’s the latest thing you’ve discovered about yourself?
I’m a very impatient person, but I discovered that the winners in life are those who stay the calmest.

The book on your nightstand right now? And what’s the book you’d recommend everyone to read?
Now, there’s “Women Who Love Too Much.” My reading recommendation is “Feeling Good” by D. Burns.

What are you afraid of?
Losing my dear ones.

What’s your happy place instead?

Photos by Johnny Carrano.
Make-up by Donatella Ferrari using Armani Beauty Lip Power.
Thanks to San Clemente Palace Kempinski.