“A long time ago I decided that everything in my life was going to be beautiful and dreamy. I wanted all of the people, places, and things that build my world to be just as I wanted them. Only the loveliest was allowed!”
This is the introduction of Daisy Clementine Smith on her own blog, the lovely little space she tailored for her special moments and ideas, and we knew we were going to meet a very, very sweet girl.
She also comes from a legendary family in the fashion business: she’s the older sister of the international models Lucky Blue Smith, Starlie Cheyenne and Pyper America. In 2009, the siblings founded an alternative surf-rock band, The Atomics, which released its latest single in 2017. So, since beauty seems to run in the family, it’s not a surprise that the Smith siblings are creative and artistically inclined also outside of the Fashion-business. Coming from such an interesting background, we couldn’t but be most curious about meeting Daisy.

Now, the beauty of Daisy is that she’s funny, but also very creative in all the ways of art, from writing music to modeling to writing contents. Her presence is genuinely reassuring and she spreads good vibes and smiles to whoever is around.
Through a very simple concept, so often taken for granted, Daisy reminded us something very important: just how beautiful life can be if we could only make the effort to look at it in the right way.

Daisy reminded us something very important: just how beautiful life can be, if we could only make the effort to look at it in the right way.
We really love your blog. And you say you wanted to live in a “beautiful and dreamy world,” so how has it been until now?
I feel like, at this time, I’m living in this really unique time and I have this really unique perspective that I’ve been working towards having. It’s a perspective when I can just see so many beautiful things all the time, because I’m really looking for them, and I feel like everything is so beautiful and it’s so dreamy, the world is so abundant and life is so abundant. It’s fulfilling and it’s so beautiful to be part of it and to witness it.
What would the perfect shot be for you?
I think I really love photographs and I really love modeling and I like playing music all because they tell stories, I’m most passionate about telling stories. So, the ideal for me is a picture that shows how beautiful the world is or the surroundings or people I’m with how beautiful they are, but also that inspires the viewer to feel something and to understand a story immediately when they look at that. But I do love flowers. Fresh ones are the best.

I noticed that you use a lot of white flowers!
Yes, well, my name is Daisy and it’s like the traditional daisy, the one all white with a yellow center. And it’s so fresh and they look so clean, I love them.
I actually just did a photoshoot recently, where I went to this incredible flower field, ranunculus, and there were millions! Thousands of these flowers, tons of different colors: it was so beautiful. It was near San Diego, and it was beautiful.
“I do love flowers. Fresh ones are the best.”

“My name is Daisy and it’s like the traditional daisy, the one all white with a yellow center. And it’s so fresh and they look so clean, I love them.”
Would you like to act or write something, in the future?
I think that I’m really interested in writing right now, it’s really fun for me. My website is like writing the story of what goes along with the pictures, they support each other. I’m collecting the songs that help support the story too. Now I’m really interested in the writing process and maybe one day I’d like to write a book or a collection of short stories, or something like that. And I think that writing music goes along with that and, in the future, I’m planning on writing a lot more music too.
How do you find inspiration for your music?
It’s kind of changing right now. In the past it was inspired a lot by 1960 sort of music but, right now, I think because I’m so fascinated by everything around me and I’m in love with life and just in love with everything that’s happening, I’m finding inspiration in all these small things. A thing that someone said or the sun, the wind filtering through this window, just everything.

How did you start your website?
I wanted to have a website and I wanted to create content in a more immersive way than Instagram. Instagram is so great but sometimes I can’t get a full message across with it, so I wanted to have a website. I knew that I just wanted to say a lot when I was writing, and doing it in a traditional way just didn’t feel right for me, because I have ideas and very strong feelings about what I was experiencing. So I had to write about it.
How do your siblings influence your art? Do you influence each other?
Yeah, I think so. I’m really influenced and inspired by my siblings or my friends because they are incredible people and being around them makes me feel in a certain way, makes me see things in a certain way and so yes, I would say I’m definitely inspired by them. I’m inspired by who I’m around with and my siblings because I love them so much because I know them so well…you know, we’ve been living our lives together! I feel like I have a lot of inspiration from them.
We get each other, we support each other, there’s a lot of camaraderies.

“I knew that I just wanted to say a lot when I was writing. Doing it in a traditional way just didn’t feel right for me…”

A fashion collaboration that you really liked and one that you’d like to do in the future?
Most recently I went to Rome for the first time with Bulgari. It was so fun and so cool, they brought us in this incredible tour all around and so that one was amazing, I’d love to work with them more in the future. I would love to work with Levi’s in the future because they’re so iconic American, such an American brand: I love the history and I love wearing them. I feel so great every time I do.
How was Rome?
Rome is incredible. I want to go back so bad.

What are your must haves for the summer?
My favorites for the summer are swimsuits, so many swimsuits! The other day I was running around my house trying on all my swimsuits and I got so excited for summer and swimming and going to the beach, so I feel like beach days are going to be a big favorite.
One piece swimsuit or two pieces?
In the past I wore a lot of two pieces, which are great because you get like the best tan from those, but a one piece can be so sexy sometimes. I feel so good wearing one of those. I’m so excited because I get to try a ton of different stuff.

What’s your skincare routine?
I don’t usually wash my face in the morning because I feel like my skin is very sensitive, if you over wash it, it will just dry it out so, I splash some hot water and make sure it’s clean, but I don’t need to strip anything off it because it’s really clean from the night before. And then I use the glossier solution, an exfoliator, it’s amazing. Glossier has the best stuff.
I do that in the morning, and then I just follow up with a face oil or a really good cream, the one I have is from First Aid Beauty, it’s like “The rescue cream.” It’s really thick but it’s so nice and sometimes sunscreen but I kind of forget, I know it’s not so good. In summer I need to remember it though.
And then at night, I wash my face off with either a cleansing oil or the glossier makeup remover, the face wash, that’s really good, it melts everything off. And then I would do a vitamin C serum and then a face oil and cream on top of that, and then I’m good to go.
It’s kind of simple.
What’s your favorite makeup product?
I have to say cream blush. Because blush has so many different shades and you can do something really bronzy, or something really peachy, and I feel like it brightens your eye and makes you look really healthy, so I think, if I was to wear only one makeup product, that would be a creamy blush. Because they blend so nicely!

Favorite Makeup brand?
I think I’m just Glossier number one fan!
I’m really into the no-makeup makeup and skincare first. I totally buy into that, because I used to have terrible skin and then makeup doesn’t look as good. I feel like the whole purpose is to have beautiful skin, and natural beauty is like to most important than everything else.
One fashion epic fail you would never do again?
I think the worst thing is at all when I wear something that’s really uncomfortable for some reasons, or it’s way too hot for the situation, and I’m just like miserable and I feel restricted, or closed up too tight: that’s the worst.
I feel like I’m trying to go and have fun, like when I go dancing, and you’re wearing so restrictive or your heels are too high and you just look like a fool. You’re in pain, it’s uncomfortable, it’s way too hot. I think that’s always my biggest regret and I’m thinking about that now. If I’m going to an event or something, I think like “Am I comfortable moving in this?” or “Can I function? Do I feel good?”.

What’s your favorite Spotify Playlist?
I’m kind of new to Spotify, which is a fun time. In the past I was really into buying the music, which I still believe in, I still believe music is something to be bought. My boyfriend would send me a song every single night when we first started dating and I think they are from his Spotify playlist, but I’ve just been making a playlist on my phone. He would just send me his love songs, every night, and I would just fall asleep listening to them.

“He would just send me his love songs, every night, and I would just fall asleep listening to them.”
Favorite Intagram Account?
I love to follow my friends and my family and there’s this one account called Accidentally Wes Anderson, which is amazing. It has architecture and stores that look like they should be in a Wes Anderson movie, which I love. I just love following people that I know, and see as they’re just doing their things and creating fun contents to see, posting about themselves.
I love that.
Favorite spot in Los Angeles?
For sure the beach, I love the beach. And there’s also this tiny little park that’s behind my house; I don’t even know what it’s called but it’s in Glendale and it’s so tiny, you would not notice it if you drive by it, but I like happened upon it somehow one day, I think I saw it on my map and then went check it out. And it’s so quiet and so beautiful, there are orange trees growing so I think that one might be one of my favorite spots: I just take a blanket, lay out there and watch the clouds. It’s so nice.

The last series you binge-watched?
Ok, “Basket!” It’s so funny! I watched the whole two seasons that they have on Hulu, it’s so funny! It’s so good, there’s this mum character that it’s so funny. I think it’s played by a man and it’s the most genius, genius show ever.

What’s your dream project?
I think, because I’m so passionate about beauty and makeup, I really would love to either collaborate on a beauty line with someone or do my own line. And I think I’m really getting into travel lately so right now I’m planning all these trips for the summer. I’m so excited! I think my current dream project is going to happen this summer, to go to all these amazing places and just tell stories, that I find in the different cities. I’m going to go to Spain, and maybe Malta a few other places.
Who would you like to collaborate with for a makeup brand?
Glossier, obviously: my favorite. [laughs] But, honestly, anyone. I also really love affordable makeup because I like the idea of everyone being able to buy it, and I’d love to do something with E.l.f or CoverGirl or Maybelline or L’Oréal, because I’m really into the idea of having really great products and really great beauty that’s affordable to everyone. It shouldn’t be an exclusive thing: beauty isn’t an exclusive thing, is an inclusive thing, and I love the idea of having something that’s everywhere and that everyone can purchase.
” I really would love to either collaborate on a beauty line with someone or do my own line.”

Photo and Video by Johnny Carrano.
Follow Daisy Clementine: @daisyclementine