Lavinia Biancalani on her social profiles has a dazzling smile, always wears impeccable and personalized looks and is endowed with a great simplicity in telling her life and projects that makes her one of the most followed and loved Italian influencers: As if that wasn’t enough, Lavinia has even a disarming genuineness in talking about her own world, her passions and her choices of style.
Mom from just a year, Lavinia has been able to balance her personal life with the professional one with success. She created The Style Pusher, a creative agency of which she covers the roles of Founder and Creative Director, mixing the business side to that of everyday commitments on set. The question we all have now is: how is she able to do everything?!
Perhaps her (fashion) superpower, that is simplicity, makes her facing life with an extra gear and with the right touch of style, which makes her perfect wherever she goes. Lavinia, between a laugh and another, told us about The Style Pusher and her idea of fashion and inspirations, opening us the doors of her world made of creativity and pure passion for what she does, what she lives every day and, above all, what she loves.

In 2011 I graduated in Fashion Business (Fashion communication and marketing) at the Marangoni Institute in Milan. When I left the Marangoni it was the year of the first blogger phenomena. I had already been working on the web for a year, I was managing the public relations of a tourism project.
In 2016 I started to think that in the short term there would be a change, I imagined it, and then time proved me right, so I started to organize contents more meticulously. Parallel to this, I created a team that followed me in the production of contents, not only from an aesthetic point of view but also rich in value, and immediately after we brought together a team of content creators for the lifestyle projects.
For the last year, I have been focused on creating a creative agency: we are announcing it now because my idea is that you should speak about a project only when there is a work behind that proves it. The Style Pusher has been a creative agency for almost two years and in the last year, it has been involved in very interesting projects. I’ve always loved working in a team.

“My idea is that you should speak about a project only when there is a work behind that proves it.”

For me creativity means having the opportunity to interpret more roles, more choices and feelings concerning myself, I have never been able to channel in a single style, I have always been a hybrid of many things and therefore I live creativity a bit as actors do, I like to interpret many versions of Lavinia, and that’s why I then focused myself on the development of the creative agency, because it allows me even more freedom in playing my character.

Those who follow me on social media trust what I say and the products I promote, they know that when I choose one, what I say about it is always true. But the agency allowed me to escape even more from Lavinia: I try not to impose limits on myself and the inspiration comes from the streets. I am a very distracted person, I always look around, I observe people on the street and normality inspires me so much… Sometimes I’ve found the most interesting ideas in the center of Milan, while I was on the train or in the subway.

“For me creativity means having the opportunity to interpret more roles, more choices and feelings concerning myself.”

I think about 3 names, all different from each other: one is Perla, my mother, a woman who has given up many opportunities on one hand, but on the other one she did it with pleasure because despite having always worked so much she also chose family. Her strength in being able to carry on everything has always inspired me: my mother was and still is very beautiful and simple and she has always inspired me in that way too.
Then I’d say Isabella Rossellini, whom I really like as a woman now, I would like to age as she did (laughs). She is a true woman, she has had a crazy career and life, even regarding aesthetic choices, and these bold choices have always intrigued me.
Last, Victoria Beckham, who inspires me year after year: before working in communication, I worked for years in the production of fabrics, and I remember when Victoria launched her collection and her style office came to visit us (my father is the manager of a company in Prato). She inspires me because it has very clear ideas as a businesswoman.



My style, even after motherhood, has remained more or less the same, even physically I have not changed that much, fortunately. I must say that in parallel to motherhood my style has become smarter, I dress as before but surely I’m more versatile: I’m faster in choosing things, a little because I grew up, and on the other hand because having less time I like clothes that I can combine and mix with each other.
I like every kind of music, I cannot channel myself into a thought, I like a lot of genres. In the last year, I‘ve been passionate about indie but if I have to say the song of a life in good and bad times is Radiohead’s “Creep.” It gives me many emotions and it has strong lyrics and if I had to say that it describes me there would be some problem (laughs). Somehow it denounces a feeling of uneasiness that everyone, in different times of life, will try.

I would say smart, transversal but at the same time simple and minimal. I like to have a few clothes and playing with accessories in order to remix and personalize them.
I’m passionate about skincare, I like the idea of taking care of my skin, I know it’s good for me, it’s about having a few products and the correct gestures in applying them, and in doing so I see the results. As for makeup, I think it is a world that I will never stop discovering, I like to wear makeup in a simple way, I only dare with the eyeliner. Now I have learned to give the right weight to makeup also because if it is made wrongly it ages you (laughs).



The most beautiful trip I did was Egypt in 2009, the Nile cruise amazed me: it was very beautiful to wake up at dawn on the Nile, in the middle of nothing… I cannot compare those moments to anything else. Even Japan, I only went to Tokyo and it fascinated me as a metropolis more than New York, another of my favorite destinations and that gave me so much.

Trend: The total black with the fanny pack is the look that describes me the most. I really like the black color because it’s simple and smart, it’s the look I wear the most when I work. To make it a little more rock I always wear high-waist black trousers and an easy but cute fanny pack, so if I go out of work and I wear heels it becomes suitable even for a night out.
The second is a business woman’s look but not too much, I like the idea of wearing suits for meetings, but since I also like to attend the production I try to keep a clean look and to personalize it with a jacket, or the overall with a shirt under, these are special combinations to not make it too didactic.
The third look is the rock’n’ roll one, made for concerts: a light dress with a sweater on and bikers to jump.

“The second is a business woman’s look but not too much, I like the idea of wearing suits for meetings.”

The Touch of Style: It is important to wear what makes us feel good. Feeling good and comfortable makes the difference because you notice it. I think that among my three looks the concert one is the most standard one and I would recommend it to everyone, which I wouldn’t do perhaps for the suits, that not everyone likes or feels good in it.
Trendspotting: A few days ago I was watching Alessia Marcuzzi, a woman with a physicality not simple but who I think looks good with everything on, she always looks like a girl.

“Feeling good and comfortable makes the difference because you notice it.”

Your Favorite Fashion Book: When I was studying at the Marangoni Institute I had a book of Getty with the repertoire images from the ‘50s, ‘60s and ’70s that you do not find online, and finding them only on paper has somehow always helped me to look at the past with different eyes. Then several fashion magazines of the ’80s and ’90s, from Vogue to Elle, that my grandmother collected and that are now in my house.
Your Fashion Superpower: What I would like to do is waking up every morning with clear ideas about my looks, and then visualizing myself as perfect every day. On the other hand, I do not know if it is a power, those who follow me tells me that simplicity is my strength, it is not a power related only to fashion but that, as I am, shines also through the choices of style.

“Those who follow me tells me that simplicity is my strength, it is not a power related only to fashion but that, as I am, shines also through the choices of style.”

Follow @laviniabiancalani
Follow @thestylepusher